Bill Dorrance's life long interests in horsemanship, ranch
roping, and rawhide braiding were the core for the book True
Horsemanship Through Feel, co-authored with Leslie Desmond,
and the video Four Strands of Rawhide the Making of a Reata
with Randy Rieman.
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Mt. Toro Corrals
Having been raised in a family ranching operation in Oregon,
horses and cattle occupied his thinking time. His last 50 years
were spent on the Mt. Toro Ranch out of Salinas, California.
Many people stopped by through out the years to visit about
horses, ranch roping, and rawhiding. Whether it was for an
afternoon, a few days, or a few months he always enjoyed the
visits and made sure he got some work out of the able bodied. In
later years he walked with a cane, but always sat up straight
when horseback.

Rana Creek Ranch
Carmel Valley 1986
Quite an accurate roper he enjoyed branding calves, and was
always looking for an easier way on the horses and cattle. Along
with Joe Wolter they gave ranch roping schools "To help people
handle cattle and their horses better along with improving their
roping" as Bill put it. He rode in the vaquero tradition of the
California horseman. A well bridled horse, a long rawhide reata,
and lots of time with the cattle. He rode, roped and rawhided up
until age 92. You are invited to visit the Joe Wolter
website at:

Bill on Diamond
Bloomquist Ranch Carmel Valley
copyright 2006
Steven and Leslie Dorrance